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Some historical projects in Science & Engineering


The Transit of Venus : A brief history of attempts to determine the distance of the Earth from the Sun (the Astronomical Unit). Particular attention is given to explaining precisely what observations this depended upon.

Sundials in and around Leeds: A selection of interesting sundials in the district surrounding Leeds.

William Gascoigne, Astronomer (c.1612-c.1644): In search of the astronomer of Middleton, Leeds, who was killed in the English Civil War.

John Feild (c.1520-1587): 'The proto-Copernican of England'


The Story of Sewerage in Leeds: The story of how the sewerage system was developed in Leeds, from the early 19th Century to the present day. Particular emphasis is given to the municipal basis of this part of our heritage and the public health benefits which it has brought. (Published in 1997 – out of print now)


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The material on this site is made available in good faith without any guarantee or implied guarantee of accuracy. It is hopefully of interest to those carrying out their own research into the listed topics. Please feel free to use extracts, provided that the source is acknowledged.

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